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14-2, (Jln 3/27F, Desa Setapak, Wangsa Maju, 53300 Kuala Lumpur)

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Office No.

+603 41418982

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Helpline & Support

+60 18 4684380

Who is a Muslim?

The word "Muslim" means one who submits to the will of God. This is done by declaring that "there is
no god except one God and Muhammad is the messenger of God." In a broader sense, anyone who
willingly submits to the will of God is a Muslim. Thus, all the prophets preceding the prophet Muhammad
are considered Muslims. The Quran specifically mentions Abraham who lived long before Moses and
Christ that, "he was not a Jew or a Christian but a Muslim," because, he had submitted to the will of
God. Thus there are Muslims who are not submitting at all to the will of God and there are Muslims who
are doing their best to live an Islamic life. One cannot judge Islam by looking at those individuals
who have a Muslim name but in their actions, they are not living or behaving as Muslims. The extent of
being a Muslim can be according to the degree to which one is submitting to the will of God, in his
beliefs and his actions.