Bro Lim Jooi Soon
Brother Lim Jooi Soon is a highly experienced da'ie with over 26 years of experience in spreading the message of Islam. He is the founder and CEO of IDT (Interactive Dakwah and Tarbiyah Association), an organization that aims to use modern technology and interactive methods to spread the message of Islam.
Brother Lim Jooi Soon is a student of the renowned Sheikh Ahmad Deedat and has learned a great deal from him about the art of da'wah. He is also a daie trainer at IDT, where he imparts his knowledge and expertise to other da'ies. With his deep understanding of Islam and effective communication skills, Brother Lim Jooi Soon has made a significant contribution to the propagation of Islam, both locally and internationally.
Brother Lim Jooi Soon is a student of the renowned Sheikh Ahmad Deedat and has learned a great deal from him about the art of da'wah. He is also a daie trainer at IDT, where he imparts his knowledge and expertise to other da'ies. With his deep understanding of Islam and effective communication skills, Brother Lim Jooi Soon has made a significant contribution to the propagation of Islam, both locally and internationally.
A Multifaceted Islamic Scholar and Invited Speaker

- Studied “Correspondence Bible Study Training” in South Australia
- Organizer for “Usul Fiqh and Maqasid of Shari’ah" Sheikh Nuruddin Lemu Islamic Education Trust, Nigeria.
- Organizer for courses “Interactive Dakwah Training” IDT centre
- Invited speaker for religious department, government agencies & private, university, churches in Malaysia and foreign( Hong Kong, Singapore, Filipina, Indonesia, Al al-Bayt University Jordan,Beiyu/Beiwai University Beijing China,University Udubiyah Aceh Indonesia), Korea, Thailand, Taiwan
- Involved in comparative religion forum's
- Counselor for apostasy cases Mufti Wilayah
- Tauliah Negeri Selangor/Sarawak/Pahang
A Versatile Author and Scholar on Islamic Beliefs and Comparative Religion
- Tujuh Persoalan Berkenaan Asas Asas Agama Kristian,
- 7 Questions On The Basic Beliefs Of Christianity,
- Jawapan Islam Terhadap Ketuhanan Jesus
- Mengulas Karya Sdr Mohd Farhan Abd. Allah “Kristianisasi & Gejala Murtad di Malaysia”,
- Translates Authenticity Of The Quran” to Bahasa Malaysia,
- Soalan Kontemporari,
- Menjawab Risalah missionari
- Published Shariah Intelligence (IET Nigeria)
- Published Relationship with non Muslim and Hubungan dengan Non Muslim
- Published Al Ameen(IET) To Bahasa Malaysia 40 Hikmah Akhlak Nabi

Awards & Recognitions
Anugerah Tokoh Saudara Muslim
Tokoh Perkim Kebangsaan dari Tun Mahathir Muhammad & Tokoh Maal Hijrah Saudara baru
Tokoh Maal Hijrah Saudara Muslim Negeri Melaka
Tokoh Maal Hijrah Negeri Pulau Pinang
Special Recognition by Islamic Education Trust Nigeria for significant contribution to Dakwah